Wednesday, May 30, 2007

No real reason for posting again

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I just thought this was a nice picture.

I have started a diet

Jason thought it'd be a great idea to install a full length mirror in our bathroom...which has caused me to freak right out and scour the net for diet sites (which oddly enough, there seem to be a few of). I decided on this one, and am doing alright so far. It's just depressing as hell to diet, but really, I was kind of aware that my jean size and my height weren't exactly matching, so....I don't know. The site has you install this "eat meter" on your browser, which shows how many calories you're allowed and how many you've already consumed (did you know that 2 tbsp of ranch dressing are like 200 calories?!) and turns bright red when you've gone over. After planning out my dinner, I have 57 calories I think I'll be researching the calorie content of Captain Morgan's sometime soon. Unless I restrict myself to only drinking beer and not eating, it looks like I'm going to have cut out a lot of my alcohol content, which is probably for the best but still sounds pretty lame to me.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I remember this as being with a boy instead...

No one I know has any clue what I'm talking about when I reference this...It's really cliche, but you have a kid, and you start thinking about crap you really dug when you were little. Of course, my kid could care less about shit like this, but it's still cool nonetheless.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Saturday, May 26, 2007

This is so bizarre

I mean, the man's been naked in any number of films...who exactly would he be "enhancing" for? And why so damn many?

I really can't pick one, they're all so wonderful.

Family fun!

So I spent the day with my family older sister and her husband and kid, my brother, and my little sister and kid. And I am completely wiped out. Thank goodness I'm only expected to be marginally entertaining, since there are grandkids a plenty to keep everyone occupied. I only had a few moments of almost snapping (beer always helps), and everyone seemed to have a good time...I guess "seemed" would be the operative word in that sentence. Anyhoo, more of the same tomorrow (incidentally, I have no idea what the Barbies are doing in this picture..I searched on photobucket under "family fun" and this is what came up).

Monday, May 21, 2007

I can't sleep...and here's why

We have bats in our attic. So far, two have gotten into the house, causing both Jason and I to run around screaming like horror movie queens with blankets over our heads, blindly wielding any long impliment that is handy. Anyhoo, it's been a couple of weeks since the last one got in, and I've been able to pretty much keep them out of my mind..until Jason showed me this tonight. It doesn't help that one of my grandfather's friends worked for animal control for years and told us he's never come across a bat that wasn't rabid. Ugh. I guess I'll just stay up and read my Stephen King book...maybe that'll put me to sleep.

Wow, that just seems so unhygienic

I posted this link in my myspace blog because I thought it was freaking hilarious, but since no one else seemed to...I'm posting it again! The last book I ordered from Amazon was Leggs McNeil's excellent (and I'm not being sarcastic here) history of the porn industry. About a week later, Amazon sends me one of those "Based on your recent purchases, we thought you'd like this" emails...and here's what they recommended. It still makes me giggle. And yet I really don't care to know what "dairy technology" involves.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I used to have hobbies

In my teen years, since I didn't have any friends other than penpals (who freaking rocked, by the way...wouldn't have been able to make it without them), I'd say I spent roughly 60% of my time making these...although we never called them "decos" as far as I can remember...and I was never in any way as creative as this chick. Lordy!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Not now, Mommy's hungover

I am reminded today of why excessive drinking and childcare don't exactly mesh. Not that I'm drinking now, mind you...but last night it seemed like such a nice way to unwind. "Hey, I'll have a few beers, watch 'Lost', and then write a series of incoherent emails to various myspace friends. That seems like a good idea." I am being a bad mommy at the moment...I've put in "The Muppet Movie", which is always sure to completely transfix my son for a good ninety minutes. I guess it could be worse; if you don't know who the Wiggles are, count yourself lucky. I really don't want to be the kind of parent who just plops their kid in front of the TV, but there are times when I just need a break. Oh well...I'm sure a Mommy and Me group will be busting down my front door any moment now to give me a bunch of shit regarding my parenting skills, so I'd better go watch me some Kermit.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

And then along comes this, to brighten my day

"I am tired, I am weary..."

I've never known if the next line is "I could sleep for a thousand years" or "four thousand years". Either way would apply. My kid woke up at five in the morning and didn't go back to bed til around seven. Thankfully now he's watching "Babe" and leaving me alone to bitch.
I purposely have avoided posting because I feel like I've lost my ability to express myself...for example, when asked to name my interests, I'm completely dumbfouned. I can't figure out if this is because I don't have any interests anymore or what. It's kind of sad to think that there's not something just springs to mind automatically. I like music, movies, etc., but that doesn't seem like it's enough...kind of seems like staying home and watching the baby saps my drive to be an individual. Maybe I'm just a mindless mommy drone.

Monday, May 14, 2007