Saturday, May 26, 2007

Family fun!

So I spent the day with my family older sister and her husband and kid, my brother, and my little sister and kid. And I am completely wiped out. Thank goodness I'm only expected to be marginally entertaining, since there are grandkids a plenty to keep everyone occupied. I only had a few moments of almost snapping (beer always helps), and everyone seemed to have a good time...I guess "seemed" would be the operative word in that sentence. Anyhoo, more of the same tomorrow (incidentally, I have no idea what the Barbies are doing in this picture..I searched on photobucket under "family fun" and this is what came up).

1 comment:

betru2u said...

I have to chuckle over that Barbie photo and the fact that, that came up under family fun. That's how I felt that day with all the family...just like that picture.