Thursday, February 25, 2010

Apparently, I'm very amiable

Last night while attempting to get to sleep, I had a lot of random thoughts going through my head, thoughts that at the time I thought were worth blogging about. Of course I have now completely forgotten my amazing night time revelations. However, I decided to log on and check out the multitude of comments my last entry garnered. "Finally," I thought, "I have found an audience who appreciates my subtle wit and refined taste." Unfortunately, that was not the case. A lot of the comments are more confusing than anything, and I deleted quite a few before I gave up and started finding them charming in a spammy/bad English/obviously on the wrong site kind of way. Anyway, direct your attention to the entry proceeding this one and you'll see what I mean. In answer to a few comments: Not interested, really unsure of what you're saying, and thanks (I think). That about covers it.