Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I having become Crazy Cooking Lady

Because my idea of cooking used to be putting salt, pepper, and garlic powder on my Totino's Party Pizzas before I stuck them in the oven, the fact that I am actually cooking meals is pretty phenomenal.  So I thought I'd share the recipes I've blatantly stolen.  All of them are bad for you, although some are obviously going to cause a coronary before others.

Beef and noodles--I use Amish noodles instead of frozen ones (man, can those Amish ever make a noodle) and I put half the marjoram, because I think it's too much.  Also, I usually double this recipe and we eat on it for days like grazing cows.

Lasagna--This is completely basic, easy and freaking yummers.  I use sausage because the doctors have put me on a high pork diet.

Spaghetti and meatballs--I leave out a lot in this recipe because I don't ever have fresh herbs.

Farmers pork chops--These started my cooking frenzy...they are so good..they almost make me cry.

Gooey butter cakes--These will kill you.  

Mashed potato bake--If you're not dead already from the butter cakes and pork chops, this should do it.

MOP burgers--I really don't like Rachael Ray, but I made these the other night and they were the shit.


I really have neglected this blog for several reasons, most of them involving limited Internet access (which I think I've bitched about sufficiently) and a growing (and disturbing) addiction to facebook.  I find myself spending more time writing on people's walls, tending a farm, and trying to come up with witty status updates then childcare, which is quite sad.  It's just nice to be in a social networking deal where I actually get messages from people occasionally..even if it's just so they can repeatedly kick my ass at a poor man's version of Scrabble.

So, what is there to report?  Not much.  Still momming it up, still in Daleville, still unemployed...Oh, I got to spend my Valentine's day (and two days after) watching Jason and James get drunk and argue about who was more proficient at "Soul Caliber 4", which was entertaining at first and then just descended into madness.  My house is still a wreck, my kid has a hacking cough, and I am getting increasingly irritated at my inability to find a replacement coffee pot.  I am oh so domestic, and it makes me kind of curious about how all these people who've asked to be my "friends" who only knew me as "high school Kristin" view me now.  I obviously didn't see the world afire, and I no longer have interesting hair or piercings.  Oh well.

Continuing in my weird need to post photos of June/Henry/Anais...here's a lovely shot of Miss Nin.  Unlike myself, she did set the world afire...but if having an affair with your father, being married to two men at the same time, and being more than a little self absorbed are prerequisites for that, I think I'll just stick with watching my son destroy his toys and mimic Baron Silas Greenback on "Danger Mouse".