So I thought I'd post this photo of Tom Waits from "The Outsiders". I'm not ashamed to admit it (well, not all that ashamed) but I rushed out when the new special edition of this movie came out on DVD and bought it. Ah, Ponyboy...although I'd have to say, for my money, Matt Dillion is the main attraction. Ah, Dallas Winston...unfortunately for me, after viewing this movie approximately 90 million times while growing up, I fear I may have developed a horrible "bad boy" fixation, which lead me to date some really..well, good looking bad boys who treated me like dirt. I blame you, Dallas Winston! Anyway...isn't it bizarre that Tom Waits was in this movie? His character's name was Buck, and if I wasn't too lazy, I'd get up and find the book and tell you the last name as well, but...what with being on my third beer (another drunken blog, yay!) and all...Yeah.
I'm beginning to think this whole blogging thing may not be for me...I think I'm essentially a boring person who really has nothing interesting to say, other than waxing rhapsodic about "The Outsiders" and other retarded shit. I'm sure there's a vast internet movement toward lame Midwestern moms who bitch about their lives and give cute little anecdotes about pop culture...and then go on and on about how they don't think they should be blogging in the first place...AGH!
Oh well. I thought
this was funny.... I'll shut up now.
It isn't about having a "message". It's about having a glimpse into someone elses life and head. I love the pop culture interspersed with your life, because it rings true. And you aren't posing as some sort of supermom. You're layered, and unique, like everyone is, but you are able to express it in different bits. Tired of blogging? Don't do it. But don't worry about not having some kind of message. That crap is highly overrated. I like the story you are telling here.
And thats enough verbal diarrhea for the night from me
Thanks for the encouragement...
encouragement? I think I was a wee bit tipsy ;)
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