Monday, June 4, 2007

My favorite TV theme song of all time

And the show takes place in Indianapolis, too!

In completely unrelated news, I get to go to a party this weekend! Hells yeah! It has been soooo long since I've done anything even remotely exciting...unless you count the various family get-togethers I've endured these past few weeks (if any of my family reads this: "Hi! Love ya! Can't wait to see you again!") Blake's moving to Texas and throwing himself a going-away shindig, so I'm sure to see tons of people I haven't seen in well over a year, probably drink too much, ruin my diet, and feel really guilty about it the next day. Again, hells yeah!

In more unrelated news, here are two of my favorite titles I have been called: "baby momma" and "special lady friend".

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